Balanced Nutrition
Dogs are omnivores, meaning they can thrive on a plant-based diet as long as it includes the essential nutrients they need. At Paws for Greens, we carefully formulate our vegan kibble to include all the essential nutrients your dog needs, for the overall well-being.
High-Quality Ingredients
Our kibble is crafted using ingredients like sweet potatoes, carrot, beetroot and flaxseeds, which not only offer excellent nutrition but are also easy to digest.
Good for Digestibility and Sensitivities
Vegan kibble can be an excellent option for dogs with food allergies or sensitivities. Moreover, our kibble is highly digestible, ensuring your dog can easily absorb the nutrients without discomfort
Over 24% high Quality Protein
We use highest quality plant based protein like yeast and peas which deliver all essential amino acids your dog needs for healthy, happy life